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How Data Can Advance Diversity

How Data Can Advance Diversity

Lawyers value analysis and critical thinking. For the legal industry to change, inclusion and diversity should be approached similarly while ensuring each strategy is driven and shaped by allowing data and research to inform. How to Develop a Measurable Diversity...
How Employers Can Help Women Achieve Work and Home Balance

How Employers Can Help Women Achieve Work and Home Balance

In today’s society, women are expected to run their homes while keeping a nine to five job. As a result, many women are taking a hard look at different ways to create balance. In this peculiar time, employers should be looking for ways to support women to achieve...
Teaching Your Children About the Importance of Diversity

Teaching Your Children About the Importance of Diversity

As children enter school, they start to notice there are differences in everyone. It’s a great time to teach them about diversity. The role models of their life should show them how to open their arms to diversity and learn it’s a positive thing. We have a few...
Sexism in the Workplace, and How to Counter It

Sexism in the Workplace, and How to Counter It

To some people, sexism might seem like a thing in the past, but to others, it’s still a stark part of their reality. No matter what your job is, sexism exists, and sometimes in ways other than what you might expect. Not every instance of sexism is calling someone out...
Women Who Changed America: Susan B. Anthony Part 2

Women Who Changed America: Susan B. Anthony Part 2

The previous article left off when Susan B. Anthony started a newspaper called The Revolution, where she published multiple articles on equal rights for each and every American Citizen, including those who were enslaved. She also spoke out against the horrific...