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Susan B. Anthony regarded voting rights for women as one of the main priorities of all her talks, organizations, and newspaper articles. However, although this was what often stood at the forefront, she invested her energy and activism into numerous other political issues of the time.

Anthony was also a fierce advocate for women’s property rights, women’s law rights, and women’s labor rights. In many ways, working toward each of these issues coincided with the rest, and successes in any area positively affected the path of the other causes.

In New York, in 1853, Anthony campaigned, lobbied, and collected signatures for women’s property rights. She also helped move the New York State Married Women’s Property Bill take effect seven years later, in 1860.
In 1869, Susan B. Anthony put her energy toward bringing attention and justice in the Hester Vaughn Case. In this case, a woman was accused of murdering her illegitimate child and was brought to trial in front of only male jurors. This was used as a pivot point for Susan B. Anthony and others to fight for the need to have female jurors to have a more fair trial.

Anthony also worked to bring attention to the many inequalities for women in the workplace and within the institution of marriage. She fought for numerous causes that overlapped, and the small successes in each one contributed to the fire fueling other tendrils of the cause.

From an early age, Susan B. Anthony was taught that everyone was equal and should be treated equally. Her entire life was dedicated to eradicating social injustices for all American citizens and giving equal opportunity and rights to the oppressed.

Many of the opportunities American women enjoy today such as equal pay, equal education, and the right to vote are a product of Anthony’s crusades and relentless activism and passion for equality.