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Why Intersectionality is Important for Your Team

Intersectionality is when a company does not consider that an individual could be part of two intersecting minority groups. For example, a black woman could experience marginalization not only because she is black, but also because she is a woman. To create the best...
The Benefits of Workplace Diversity

The Benefits of Workplace Diversity

Workplace diversity is a terminology used to describe the composition of employees in an organization. Diversity could be in terms of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and sex. Diversity enables individuals to recognize their uniqueness and differences. Organizations...
Teaching Your Children About the Importance of Diversity

Teaching Your Children About the Importance of Diversity

As children enter school, they start to notice there are differences in everyone. It’s a great time to teach them about diversity. The role models of their life should show them how to open their arms to diversity and learn it’s a positive thing. We have a few...
The Importance of Self-Awareness Today

The Importance of Self-Awareness Today

Today, everyone seems to be throwing around the term “self-awareness.” While it may seem self-explanatory, self-awareness means being conscious of one’s feelings, emotions, and character. Most of us tend to float through time on autopilot with little to no awareness...